Sunday, October 22, 2006

light view of death in heavy times

have you ever felt that you are graded as being insensitive by your fellow human beings as being insensitive or heartless just because you take death in a lighter note than them?

i just had and the feeling really sucked especially when your intention and starting point was really good to begin with.
all i said was since i am free this evening,why not attend the wake and show some moral support.
the aunties had to reply 'how can you say such things one? what free so i attend.' in a rather distasteful and irritable sacarastic tone.
the rest of the day i felt really down and rather isolated from the rest of the world.
but i realise my view on death and the feeling that we should symphatise overly on the family.
humans tend to live on the comfort that others provide.
they are not disabled. just in mourning. thats why we shouldnt treat them as a fragile china doll but instead as a equal human being just in need of company and a little comfort to feel the love going on around them.
maybe its myself, maybe its the enviroment i live in.
maybe its the perspective of the general public versus me.
i'll chew on this and in the meantime so should you. ;)


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

fashion disaster

i must admit that i have the poorest of fashion and dressing sense and yes my friends you guy have and are still correct when you say 'is that all you have in your closet?!'

im rotating the 6 shirts and tees for work. and my bottom, either that pair of jeans or that pair of black trousers. shoes?? hmm.... my crocs or that ugly track shoes. heels, yup i have a couple but im too lazy and find them too troublesome.
i did try but seriously im just too plain laidback for all these. and yes i agree that i look terrible and horrible not to mention those times when i try to dress up, i end up a fashion disaster!

but there are these times when i feel like smoothing that tie for this man with crooked tie or the lady with the inside out collar, or that lady with the skirt that has a 'dog-ear' on the sides.
but i didnt dare do them. its like infringing on personal space or privacy.
and i felt bad having these people to see me in the morning poorly dressed and there i am grading their fashion.

time to revamp but before that i have to earn and save up a bigger pocket and slim down properely. mind you im a humongous 100kg and im not afraid to say it! at least in here :)